Secure and Authenticate

Stop fraud before losses occur. Experian® continually invests in new data sources and technological innovations in order to provide clients with the most advanced fraud prevention tools and data breach solutions. Reduce credit risk through screening and identity resolution and be alerted to suspicious financial transactions that could indicate money laundering.

Detect and Reduce Fraud

Monitor accounts for derogatory information and screen applications for inconsistent data. Experian’s extensive credit report data, scoring, screening and authentication tools help your business prevent fraud loss.

Improve Operational Efficiencies

Reduce fraud by authenticating card users at the point of purchase and use predictive tools to enhance the efficiency of credit offer strategies. Experian offers a range of products that help score consumer fraud risk and automate decisioning.

Satisfy Compliance Requirements

To prevent, detect and mitigate the risk of identity theft, all organizations must comply with the federal Red Flags Rule. Experian can help you assess your company's vulnerabilities and customize a solution that fits your specific needs while simultaneously helping you process verification and government list checks.

Prevent Money Laundering

The USA PATRIOT Act has asked businesses to help fight terrorism through diligent identification of money-laundering operations. This has prompted hundreds of businesses to implement Experian’s technology to identify suspicious activity, mitigate risk and meet regulations.

Manage Data Breaches

Experian has handled more than 1,300 data breach events across a range of industries. We have successfully mitigated risk for our clients and provided products and services that minimize cost.

Webinar Series

Innovative Approaches to Defend Against New Fraud Trends

Detect and prevent fraud, streamline your review process and maximize resources. Gain expert insights with our 4-part webinar series and white papers.

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