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About Experian

Experian® is a global leader in providing information, analytical tools and marketing services to organizations and consumers to help manage the risk and reward of commercial and financial decisions. Using our comprehensive understanding of individuals, markets and economies, we help organizations find, develop and manage customer relationships to make their businesses more profitable.

Experian promotes greater financial health and opportunity among consumers by enabling them to understand, manage and protect their personal information, helping them control financial aspects of key life events, and make the most advantageous financial and purchasing decisions.

Company Profile

Through our data resources and analytical capabilities, Experian provides one of the critical building blocks for growth in consumer economies around the world. In order to capitalize on the market opportunities available to us and to drive long-term shareholder value, we have centered our strategy on three elements.

Press Room

The Experian Media Relations staff assists reporters and other members of the media with up-to-date and pertinent information on Experian. The staff also coordinates media interviews with our executives and industry and product experts.


Our record of profitability and innovation has distinguished us as a business to watch. With a strong global business strategy in place, Experian now has the opportunity for even greater success.

Investor Relations

Our financial center features the latest available information about our financial performance around the world. We will also be bringing you our latest reports and presentations to investors, together with news of upcoming events in our financial calendar.